Trip to the Doctor
So the three of us took a happy family trip to the doctor's office to get Maya checked up. Overall, she was fine. She weighs about 17# (which is 4 less than our cat I am embarrassed to admit) and everything is progressing quite nicely.

Yes, she screamed like a baby when she was poked and prodded, but she quickly returned to her now normal happy self when left alone. Well, she also had to be re-vaccinated for everything. The Dr. Recommended that everything be redone because apparently the vaccines abroad have the potential of not being refrigerated or administered properly. She wailed and screamed until her face turned crimson and her body shook, poor girl- C and I could barely watch her in pain. She recovered quicker than we thought and thankfully showed no real signs of fever or other characteristics of the shots.
Today she ate some good solid food persisting of banana rice porridge which she ate with a quickness. She has been sleeping well, laughing and been overall a happy

Maya gets checked out for her TB test tomorrow and I was given a special job by the doctor. It consists of a bag of three vials and a bag of over-sized popsicle sticks. And what do I get to do with these implements? I get to scrape poop out of a diaper. Yes, exciting as it sounds it is for medical purposes and not for our entertainment. I need to play dung beetle and scrape it into the liquid-filled vials until the solution rises above a label line. This is for some sort of test, unless the doctor likes to collect these things.
The next step is to get the blood tests completed. Babies don't mind having their blood drawn, right? Wish us luck.
Courtney and Kevin,
Congratulations to you both. Kara and I are so happy for you. We know what a long journey this has been. The baby is adorable!
I sympathize with your having to listen to Maya cry while being vaccinated. I remember Kara and I having to listen to Christopher scream when getting circumsized (as I bend over, cover my crotch, and cringe in agony!!!).
And Kevin, you missed your calling as a comedy writer. This blog is what I look forward to when I work midnights!
10:02 PM
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