So it has been a long time in the works; we knew that we need to get a new automobile, but we were afraid to admit that our next purchase is going to have to be more "family-oriented". To

Now, we are not car people, but we both avoided conversation about the impending asteroid crashing through our atmosphere of perceived coolness. We always joked whenever we would see one of these Mom-mobiles with bumper stickers and safety shades and infant load times that would rival the geriatric buses to the casinos. Now it is our turn to buy something to handle a kid and two dogs and the every day support requirements of a 10-month old.
We had three choices that we considered:
Station Wagon
Mini Van
The popular choice these days. It comes equipped with standard car features, can ride like a car and does not have the pariah stigma of the other two choices. Can come with four-wheel drive for those tough suburban obstacles such as mall parking. The gas mileage is crap, but it lets you cram all kinds of kids and stuff into a large area and most importantly, you still look socially cool tooling around town.
Station Wagon
Somewhat old school. It is sort of dorky, but the clean lines of today's models are a far cry from yesteryear's ideal of tweed jackets with leather elbow patches. The station wagon is a little more utilitarian, not as popular, and still allows the user to retain some sense of coolness.
Mini-Van (Post-apocalyptic dorkmobile)
It is hard to admit, but this particular vehicle makes the most sense. It's is big, versatile and can transport kids, crap and the bitterness of forgotten youth if you fold down the rear seats. To me, mini vans signify the acceptance of being a parent. I am sure by kid #2 most people own a similar vehicle, but it seems with kid #1 most people think they can still be the hip and sophisticated people that they feel they are. (This is the same feeling that goes into remission and causes the mid-life convertible to bought around age 43)
After considering the two choices (Courtney wouldn't consider the third) we ended up with a nice station wagon to bridge the divide.
So what kind did you get? I refused to get a mini-van until we had 2 kids. Now I don't think I could live without one.
11:01 AM
So, you got the station wagon? What kind? I have a Honda Accord, and I don't know that I'll get a different car, at first. I would have gone with the SUV, probably... except, my family is an hour away and they are gas hogs. Good luck with the station wagon!! :)
LID 10/31/05
2:18 PM
Yeah, Erin said the same thing. We are looking at the Honda Pilot, safe dependable, not horrible MPG, and it will last for 20 years. But, I like the family truckster approach. Very Grizwaldesque.
5:31 PM
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