More Maya Info
It has been a crazy couple of weeks for us, but things are starting to calm down before they are going to be ramped up shortly. Work has been crazy for both of us. C has been out of town and we have barely had time to breathe, much less provide an update about Maya.
Our referrals were sent in one large package containing two smaller packages. One of the smaller packages fell out and was lost. Our agency has been scrambling to locate it to no avail. They contacted their people in China and have been trying to regenerate the documents for us. They have pieced together information for us and have sent it out piece y piece this week.

We were given the following information about our daughter so far and we can expect a picture next week hopefully. We have a daughter! She is in the You Xian county welfare institute in the Hunan province. Her name is You DaoLiang. You is her last name and she is described as healthy with a birthday of 8.1.05. It is so amazing to actually have pertinent information and makes everything so real. We now know her size information and of course, being a weekend C is out shopping for clothes for her.
When we had the province breakdown outlined in the map below C just knew that she was going to be from the Hunan province; this is where hot peppers are grown and the food is spicy. The girls born there are known for their "spicy" personality and are supposedly firecrackers; again another reason why C thought she was going to be from there.
This is information from when she was 4 months old:
Head Size
Yes, that is a Hoffmann head! I do feel sorry for all the women in my family that had to pass watermelons out of their bodies. It is funny that they looked at pictures of us when matching our baby. They probably took one look at my noggin and knew they had a match. The following is the other information we received regarding out daughter.:
Growth Report on You Daoliang
You Daoliang, female, was found abandoned at the gate of the Chinese Medical Hospital by a passerby Zhou Meiyun on Aug 3rd, 2005. Daoliang has round face and thick black hair. She wore in red clothes, and there was milk formula, bottle and birth note together with her when being found. Zhou Meiyun, the finder, reported this to police station on the finding day and than sent her into our institute.
Her birth note said she was born on Aug 1st , 2005. Our doctor did a check up for her, and she was 19.5 inches tall, 8.58 pounds in weight, her head size was 13.79 inches and chest size was 13.40 inches. She had fine skin, and her skull, eye, nose was functioned well. Her limbs motion and Nervous system were functioned well. She was a healthy newborn baby. We named her You Daoliang. You, is after You County, Dao means leader, and liang means ridge. We hope she could be adopted by a good family, and has a happy life.
Daoliang is very cute and active. She is growing well. Two month old, she liked stretching hands and legs, sometimes, kicked out her quilt. She had some facial expression at that time. Daoliang could follow moving objects. She felt happy when being amused and cried when feeling sad.
Three month old, when in crib, she likes putting her hands out of quilt, and then tried to grab nearby toys. When you passed by, she would look at you and make sound. It seemed that she wanted to talk to you.
Now, Daoliang is over four months old, and she is developing very well. Currently, she is 23.44 inches tall, 14.3pounds in weight, her head size is 16.35 inches, chest size is 16.15 inches and feet size is 3.15 inches. She is not cutting teeth. She likes touching or grabbing things. Daoliang is curious about her surrounding, and sudden sound could catch her attention. When lying on crib, she likes playing with pillow and quilt. When lying on stomach, her hands could support body and at the same time, up her head. She can use her hands well. When feels happy, she could make some simple sound, like Âa and ÂyiÂ. She is very active and cute.
Following the Children Immunization Plan, she has been injected the following shots: BCG, Poliomyelitis, PDT, and Hep B from Aug, 2005-Nov 2005.
Her appetite varies according to her age. The first three month, she only had milk formula, and took it every two hours, each time 70ml to 90ml. From three month old, we add some rice cereal into her milk formula. She took one bottle every three hours, totally eight times a day. Four times milk formula, 120-140ml each time and four times mixed rice formula and rice cereal, 140-160ml per time. Additionally, we fed her cod-liver oil, calcium pill and vitamin three times. She drinks water two or three times a day.
Daoliang formed a health routine as lives in -group. She sleeps from 7:30pm to 6:30am. She takes 2 two hours naps at daytime, one at 10:00am, and one at 2:30pm. She is a sound sleeper. She wakes up when being fed at midnight and when the diaper is wetting. She likes sleeping in dark. She pupus one or two times per day, usually after breakfast or after noon nap. Normally, She pipis every two hours everyday.
Prepared by You County Welfare Institute
Dec 5th, 2005
We are both ecstatic that there was a note left with her and we hope to get it when we make out journey. The note leave no doubt to what day she was actually born and hopefully we will get to visit the site that she was left. Below are pictures we believe to be her orphanage and were taken from this site

More updates to come!
That is so awesome -- I am really happy for you both!!!! Can't wait to meet your new firecracker! She is a lucky girl to be getting you and C as parents!
- Jody in StL
10:42 AM
cod liver oil, yum! that is great guys... and she sleeps through the night.. you guys are so lucky! ;)
4:14 PM
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