Sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions.
A little over a week ago I woke up about 1 AM with major stomach extension. I know, I am 33 now and all the tubes and pills I used to make fun of now have ended up in our medicine cabinet. I grabbed some Gas-X and tried to get comfortable back in bed. You know how you toss and turn and never really fall asleep; well that was me until about 3 AM when I started getting the familiar tickle.

It's amazing how quick you can make it to the bathroom when you have to toss your cookies. Unfortunately, this case was literal. We had made some Duncan Hines that night and that is
all that came up. It was total toe clenching retching for about 20 minutes complete with two dogs freaking out at the noises I am making and sniffing my butt at the same time. Not recommended. I felt fine afterwards and even planned on going to work. I grabbed a couple hours of sleep and woke up feeling abysmal. Court took my temp and it was 102. (I know Mom, I will get a flu shot next year)
I spent Monday morning between lying on the couch and lying on the bathroom floor staring at the grout. Took Tuesday off too for good measure. When we get sick in our house we take care of each other, of course, but we also avoid each other without trying to be rude so we can avoid getting ill.
Courtney had a girls' night planned for Friday of that week and she was taking special care to avoid me while trying to be helpful. It was Wednesday and she thought she made it, but my germs caught up with her. She left work early and took the train home. The station in which we commute is your typical high volume train station. She grabbed a juice and a water from a kiosk when she got the tickle herself.
She ran into the public bathroom and apologetically pushed aside a mother and her daughter to get into the stall and unload, most likely cursing my name. Now a major transportation center's public facilities are not the cleanest place and the world and because of my germs she was sprawled on the bathroom floor touching and hugging the porcelain. I scrubbed her down three times with industrial-strength solvent before I would touch her.
Sadly, she had to spend a dizzy 90 minute commute home with a little vomit in her hair. We ate soup for 4 days straight and I still can't even stomach the thought of home made cookies any longer.
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