The Boomerang Factor
My Mom likes to tell me the story about a visit we took to JcPenny's when my sister and I were younger. Apparently, as a matter of coincidence, both my sister and I had black eyes at the time. You don't need to call DCFS, I am sure we gave them to each other. In the store we were

This leads to reason #37744 to freak out about being a parent. I have heard stories recently about raised eyebrows in stores when Chinese children with non-Chinese parents start to make a ruckus in public as kids are wont to do. I can just see Maya having a meltdown in the middle of Target and starting to scream, "I want my Mommy!" as I am trying to drag her out of the store to calm her down.
With my luck I am sure I will be arrested for kidnapping my own daughter. Some suggestions are to always carry around family pictures, get Maya a state ID at a young age or even shrink and laminate the adoption certification. I guess what goes around comes around.
I was a well-behaved little kid but a totally obnoxious pre-teen, so if "what goes around comes around", I will have a very grumpy, sulking 12-year-old daughter who is obsessed with a boy band and hates my guts just for existing. Great!
Thanks for your note on my blog!
12:36 PM
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