Neti Pot and Nursery update
Here is a glimpse into out weird little lives. C and I have both been having sinus issues lately. Nothing like headaches thankfully; just small problems breathing easily. We both generally try stay away from OTC drugs when we can and try to find a more natural remedy if possible.
(Sidebar - I had to ask a pharmacist to get Sudafed for me last month. What is going on with this? It seems that Walgreens considers this dangerous? Sure, I can understand if I was buying it buy the case, but I don't even get carded for beer anymore. I would love to doctor up a sign and replace the existing one that said "Meth Lab supplies (please see pharmacist)". It is pretty funny that the Mormons at Walgreens keep the greatest threats to our society behind the counter: Sudafed, high-end razor blades and condoms)
She gets those magazines that are great for rainy days or contain 101 ways to put the sizzle back in the sack. This one was called Ladies Home Cosmopolitan Redbook Journal and Gardens or something like that. It contained an article touting the Neti pot. This is a small ceramic teapot that you fill with water and saline solution, insert in your nostrils and pour into your sinuses.
Usually the ideas she gets from the magazines are well received (see the 101 ways above) but I was a little skeptical on this one. Actual conversation (embellished for humor):
C: I think I found something that my help us breathe a little easier.
K: Winning lottery ticket?
C: Can't you be serious for a second?
K: Sorry, I am listening.
C: It's called a Neti pot. It's like a little tea kettle that you stick in your nose and you pour lukewarm water into your sinuses and it comes out the other nostril cleansing your nasal cavity.
K: ???
C: Seriously.
K: So, let me get this straight, you want me to pour hot salt water up into my brain through one nostril and let it ooze out the other one?
C: Right.
K: So, it's like a nasal douche?
C: I guess so; you go first.
I am used to being a guinea pig for her to try the things that she is unsure of trying herself. This one made me a little nervous so I did some research and found this:

My sinuses were pretty full that day so I had my doubts that this was going to work. Part of me wondered if C was just seeing if she could get me to do something ridiculous.
We came home and followed the directions by filling it with lukewarm water and 1/4 tablespoon of salt. I stood in front of the kitchen sink and put the spout in my nostril, I have to admit it was a nice and snug comfortable fit. It is one size fits all by the way.
Before letting the liquid flow I looked at C and she looked at me with this piece of ceramic wedged in my nose and of course we both laughed and blew bubbles back into the pot.
C: You sure you want to do this?
K: Why not?
C: Maybe we should do this in the bathroom where the neighbors can't see you.
K: Naw, it's not like it is the first time they have see us doing something odd (remind me to tell you about the gorilla vest story some time)
I tilted my head back and felt the water enter my sinuses, but nothing came out the other end. So, I just stood there looking at Courtney looking at me in expectation. All of the sudden, drip, drip, drip.
C: Ewwww. Move the dishes!
And then it flowed through; a steady little stream of mucosa water. I could feel it doing it's magic and dousching my head out. It felt calming and a little surreal. I had the taste in the back of my throat like when you swallow water at the swimming pool. I blew my nose and I seriously could not believe the difference. I had Courtney fill it up and I did the other side. After blowing my nose, I felt great. It really did work and the neighbors never even saw what was going on.
Nursery update:
We had a little bit of time yesterday to work on Maya's room. C hung her letters on the wall. We had a hard time deciding which way to position the letters. You know me, I just wanted totally straight, even and centered and C wanted to give it a dose of flair by making them undulate or descend. We ended up hanging them in a way that covers the most nail holes and other imperfections so we don't have to touch up the paint. Such is life. Thankfully her name isn't going to be Elizabeth or something similarly long. We have the furniture moved in and once we get the blinds up (we need to purchase them first) I will take more pictures of the completed room.
Does anyone know how to work a pack and play? While she was doing the letters I put our together. No problems setting it up, it looks cute and everything, but I was unable to collapse it. I know I am just not doing something right, but I am afraid to break it. If this is the most I have to worry about regarding parenthood, I think I will be OK.
Kevy, you could have saved the 15.00 and done the same thing with your hand, just cup it and inhale, gets both sides at the same time. You could have called me, but I would have probably charged you guys alot more than the 15.00!.
Guess Who?
10:44 AM
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